
Swift to Hear: Facilitating Skills in Listening and Responding is unavailable, but you can change that!

Basic listening skills are at the heart of all communication, especially pastoral encounters. In this updated edition of Swift to Hear, Michael Jacobs addresses listening and responding skills, describing the process of communication itself. Learning to listen—to hear what a person is really saying—is of paramount importance in any counseling situation; if practitioners can enhance these skills...

Yet note-taking when personal and emotional difficulties are being expressed can be very off-putting. It may seem as if intimate details are being written down (almost like taking evidence); it makes the interview too formal (even if any interview inevitably has elements of formality built into it); it is very difficult for a listener to record notes and at the same time to look at the speaker (Guideline 4 will demonstrate how essential it is to be able to do this). Where conversations are much more
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